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Tithing Campaign 2021

We are grateful to the 158 parishioners who have pledged to our 2021 Tithing Campaign. All things considered, we are off to a pretty good start with 8 % having made a commitment. We do have a long way to go to get to our goal of 100% participation. I do realize, of course, that we’ll never get to 100%. But this year in particular, we need as many as possible. With everyone pitching in, we will be on a solid financial footing. If you have not yet made your pledge, please pick up a pledge card in the Narthex or follow the link on the parish website.


Tithing means we give back to God proportionately in thanksgiving for what He has bestowed upon us. Thank you for your support as we all work together to make God’s kingdom present in our world, especially in this challenging time.