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Beware of E-mail Scam

Parishioner and staff continue to receive "spoofing" e-mails that appear to come from clergy, including the bishops. Frequently the e-mail requests a favor, money, or a gift card. Click here for an example of what an e-mail scam looks like.


Please be assured that none of our clergy will ask you for favors, money or gift cards in such a manner. If you are uncertain, please be sure to double check the originating e-mail address. If you look next to the name of the sender (which appears to be from Msgr. Dillon, one of the Deacons or other clergy), the e-mail address of the sender is a different e-mail address from one originating from the parish. All parish e-mails are sent from "" They are NEVER sent from a "gmail, yahoo, hotmail, or other such account).


Should you have any questions about the validity of these requests, please contact Jackie Bohling ( or Msgr. Dillon (