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Mission Statement

The purpose of Holy Spirit Catholic Church is to make God's kingdom present in the world.


Preamble - Jesus established his followers into a Church, under the leadership of the Apostles, as a body responsible for making His saving work present in the world. This means we are part of the universal Church and of the local archdiocese, as well as parishioners of Holy Spirit Church. There are inherent links between our responsibilities in our parish, our parish's responsibility for making the gospel present in the local community, and our parish's role in the archdiocese and even in the world beyond. For Holy Spirit Catholic Church and it’s parishioners, this responsibility/role involves participation in and furtherance of the three-fold mission of the Church: sanctifying, teaching, and guiding.


Guiding Principles - At Holy Spirit Catholic Church, the guiding principles that lead us to accomplish our purpose in accordance with the mission of the church are:


To Sanctify

  • By firmly establishing the Mass and Sacraments as the center of parish life.
  • By a consistent celebration of all liturgy in accordance with Church law.
  • By providing for the spiritual guidance of the parishioners through pastoral counseling which is based on the premise; "First, do no harm."


To Teach

  • By preaching and teaching Church doctrine and discipline with a balanced approach.
  • By providing opportunities for lifelong learning and faith enrichment in the basics of Catholic doctrine and tradition.


To Guide


By creating a community which:

  • is welcoming, caring, and responsive.
  • encourages and educates for active participation and a sense of ownership by parishioners and clergy.
  • has open, accessible, and dynamic leadership.
  • attends to details and is dedicated to quality.


To Reach Out and Make God Present


In the parish boundaries:

  • by making resources available for community needs.
  • by reaching out to immigrant communities.
  • by assisting the poor and needy.

In the Archdiocese of Atlanta:

  • by partnering with other parishes and ministries of the Archdiocese.
  • by supporting the mission of the Archdiocese financially.

In the world beyond:

  • by providing financial support through national and international Church agencies.
  • by adopting and supporting specific missions or missionaries.